Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Valentine Cheat

Love is in the air... and if you're like me, all the mushy stuff is making you a little nauseous. That said I like to participate in Valentine's Day just as much as the next red-blooded American girl. On a mission to find a gift that didn't include a teddy bear or Godiva, I found this little glass heart vessel, called a corezone (Etsy, $60), you can place a thought or desire or a wish. The catch is that in order to release your emotion you must break the pretty little heart.

A perfect balance of bitter and sweet.

Read more about the corezone and other cool, not corny, Valentines Day gifts after the jump...

I love the corezone as a gift for a close friend with whom you've shared a lot. It's kind of like a hiding place for secrets, or like the designers Agnieszka Mazur and Dorota Skalska say: “An attempt to fulfill emotional needs by the means of an object, a try to withhold immaterial being in a material space.”

My more, uh, practical side loves this heart shaped headphone splitter ($18). You plug the heart into your iPod and then you can hook up two different sets of headphones. Listen to Edith Piaf on as you nuzzle up in first class on your way to Paris... ah, a girl can dream, no?

My traditional side still loves jewelery on Valentine's Day. It's possible to make jewelry a romantic and original gift if done right. This anatomically shaped heart pendant from Etsy ($8.50!) is crafted from carnelian, a brownish-red semi-precious gemstone. It has tiny striations of bright red and gold throughout. Beautiful, cheap, and original.

And, finally, my cynical sarcastic side thinks this Hallmark holiday is pretty ridiculous, and finds itself drawn to these fuzzy DIY mustache cards.  Check out ewehooo!'s website to find free, printable templates and a super easy step-by-step guide to creating these very original, perfectly hipster Valentine's.

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